Last weekend we had our first "big" snow of the year. We ended up with probably around 4 inches of snow, but the southern part of Central Ohio received about 9 inches. I know...some of you are laughing right now. You has been a couple of years since we have had a decent amount of snow. We just keep getting these annoying couple of inches at a time that do nothing but make maneuvering the roads a nightmare. We returned to work last Monday on clear roads only to hear weather reports of the next big storm coming in for Saturday and Sunday. All week long we heard the warnings, but the storm was very unpredictable and no one quite knew what to expect. The rain, freezing rain, snow line was supposed to move right through the heart of Central Ohio, and with temperatures hovering on the freezing mark, the storm could do just about anything. By Friday morning the report was that some were just going to get rain, a small line was going to get ice and everything North was supposed to get anywhere from 6 to 11 inches of snow. We were in the 6 to 11 inches of snow line. So what does everyone do before a snow storm? Head to the grocery for bread and milk. Someone at work asked me if there is a lot I had to do to get the animals and farm prepared for the storm. My answer? Ummmm...I make sure the hot chocolate is ready for the Daniel and the boys when they come in? I admit...I get off pretty easy. Winter chores are pretty much the same with or without the snow storms. However, they did put out an extra round bale. We don't have a 4-wheel drive tractor, so maneuvering in a foot of snow could be an issue. So, just in case, they put out some extra hay. We make sure the tank heaters are all plugged in and working. With temperatures in the 60's one week and the 20's the next, sometimes the tank heaters get unplugged. The end of our barn is open so the cows always have a place to get in out of the weather. It isn't a large area, but cows are herd animals, so they prefer snuggling up with each other in the cold weather. We check on the young calves and make sure they are doing ok. Last weekend we treated 2 of the calves for scours, so we are keeping an extra eye on them. Missy isn't doing well. She is just old and there is nothing we can do to fix that. All we can do is keep an eye on her and will her through this cold weather. The chicken water will have to be changed at least twice a day since we don't have a heater on their water. Daisy gets hot water a couple of times a day to thaw her frozen water bowl. These animals are hearty...heartier than we are. As long as their basic needs are and water...they will be fine. God gave them thick coats and fat to insulate their bodies. We give them shelter...just because we can. I did head to the grocery store on Friday night, but not for bread and milk. It had been 2 weeks since my last grocery trip, so we needed...everything! Last weekend, Daniel filled up the diesel and gas cans. Diesel to plow with the tractors and gas for the generator if the power goes out...we do live in the country so no power means no water. Most of our snow ended up as sleet and freezing rain. Sunday church services were cancelled on Saturday night. By Sunday morning, the wind picked up and the temperatures plummeted. We awoke to a level 3 snow emergency, which means it is illegal to be out on the roads. I am assuming the roads were a sheet of ice with temperatures too cold for the salt to work. I don't really know...I stayed inside. The boys ventured out to chip the ice off of cars, dig out some neighbors, check on the animals....and since no one was on the road...sled down the hill. You might also like...
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AuthorHello! I am Heather... the city girl turned mom to manure loving country boys. My husband and I both grew up in the city, but spent weekends visiting grandparents in the country. We are first generation farmers who learn best by almost always doing things the hard way. I hope you enjoy following along with our adventures down on the farm. Archives
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