Blast is becoming the yo-yo bull. Born here on our farm, sold, bought back, sold again, and now he is home again. We love this bull...but four mature bulls on our small farm is just too Blast was the one that always had to go. We originally sold Blast as a young bull and he went off to his new home before he was ever shown. And he obviously didn't learn the trying to stay clean for the pictures part. He is our only mature bull without a Grand Champion title, so when room got tight, it just made sense that he was the one that needed to find a new home. But we will always love him and the calves he throws...which is why he always makes his way back here. Last November we loaded up Blast and took him to his new home in Virginia. We always knew this was a temporary home, but we really never envisioned buying him back again. But plans changed. Plans are changing on the home front and when we found out Blast's owners no longer needed him and were looking to sell, Isaac decided to buy him back. So yes, we will once again have four mature bulls on our farm. But this time, Blast has a specific purpose...but that story will have to wait for another time. This weekend was supposed to be a hunting weekend, but the rainy weather changed those plans. Show season begins in just a few weeks and then we head right into the holidays. We had no idea how we were going to fit a seven hour trip to Virginia into our calendar before the end of the year. Friday morning, once we realized hunting wasn't going to happen, we started making plans to head south to pick up Blast. It was definitely a last minute thrown together trip...and we almost forgot about the dog...but it ended up working out for the best. We probably would have spent the weekend inside not really accomplishing too much, but instead we enjoyed a trip through five states of beautiful country accented with prime fall colors. The sunshine would have made the colors spectacular, but to be honest, I have never taken a road trip where we have witnessed so much color. We never seem to hit the peak colors on the perfect weekend. This is our third trip to this Virginia farm, but Isaac and Walker had never been able to ride along before. Virginia is beautiful and I love seeing all the farmland in that part of the country. We really wanted the boys to see what we have talked about for years. It worked out perfectly for a family trip...and we know how precious these are with one in college. Blast may not have the docility of the bulls that have been in the show circuit, but he is still a big baby. Usually, he jumps right up in the trailer, but this was a bigger pasture than we normally load from and he didn't really want to leave his girls behind. After a year apart, Isaac walked right up to Blast with a pan of feed and rubbed away, just like he did at home. Of course, Blast wanted to follow the feed pan... But that only lasted so long before he figured out our game and ran the other direction. It was time for plan B, but it didn't take Blast long to fall into line. But the real reason Isaac wanted to come along was so he could see Amber. Amber was his very first calf, he helped pull her when she was born and they had a great show career together. He never wanted to sell her, but we coerced him into it. And he will never forgive us for it. He was content to see with his own eyes how she has grown and matured and that she is being well cared for. After about an hour stop for loading Blast and a little small talk, we were back on the wet roads heading North. We wanted to get a few hours under out belts and we needed to be in our hotel room before the Ohio State Football game started. It was a whirlwind trip, but we crossed a big to-do item off our list, saw some beautiful sights, spent much needed time together as a family, and took one more step towards turning our dreams into reality. You might also like...
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AuthorHello! I am Heather... the city girl turned mom to manure loving country boys. My husband and I both grew up in the city, but spent weekends visiting grandparents in the country. We are first generation farmers who learn best by almost always doing things the hard way. I hope you enjoy following along with our adventures down on the farm. Archives
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